Liverpool midfielder Steven Gerrard said he is confident that Liverpool fans will be fully behind right back Gary Neville when England face Uruguay in a friendly at Anfield on Wednesday.
Manchester United defender Neville teased Liverpool's fans by celebrating a late winner in front of them at Old Trafford.
"England will be different. I am sure they will be getting behind him and showing him support," Gerrard told BBC Sport on Wednesday.
The FA charged Neville with improper conduct and fined him $9,000 for his actions actions.
England captain David Beckham said he believes Neville will not be affected by playing in the city of Liverpool as he wears his nation's jersey.
"He's playing for England this time so I'm sure it will be different for Gary. I don't think he will be worried, certainly not knowing the sort of player and person he is," he said.
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