Ismaili's ongoing board decided unanimously to postpone the club elections to June ninth instead of April 28th, with the exception of president Abdul-Menem Emara.
Newly appointed Ismaili spokesman Abdul-Rahman Annous said that the club announced the new date after vice president Raafat Abdul-Azim, treasury head Othman Atteya and board member Fekri Hafez all agreed to postpone the elections date, opposing Emara, who was in favor of the April date.
As a result, Emara notified the rest of the board that he will resign from his post as club president on April 28th and wished them the best of luck in the coming elections for a new board.
The board had chosen to open the nominations door for the April 28th elections on March 18th, an aspect that would’ve cut short the board members’ time in charge.
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