Italy defender Marco Materazzi is set to publish a joke-book over the famous head-butt incident with Zinedine Zidane and donates the revenues to UNICEF, Calico Italia reported Sunday.
Entitled 'What I really said to Zidane', the book "contains 249 possible phrases used to spark the head-butt. Selling at 10 Euros, the entire proceeds will go to UNICEF," the magazine added.
The incident took place in the World Cup final match in July when France skipper Zidane was sent-off in the extra time for surprisingly head-butting Materazzi in the chest apart from play.
Italy went on to win the cup and Zidane said afterwards that the Inter Milan man insulted his family, something that flared his tempers.
Materazzi confirmed Zidane's statement and admitted that he insulted the sister of the French icon.
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