Tottenham striker Dimitar Berbatov is shocked by the £31million price tag that the club's bosses put on him.
"It's ridiculous, I don't think that I'm worth so much money. I just have to do my job and score goals. I'm not a one-man team," Berbatov told
"Everybody in the team supports me and I've never heard a reproach or felt envy."
Manchester United, Chelsea and Manchester City revealed interest in signing the Spurs marksman.
Manager Juande Ramos put a £31million evaluation on his head.
"I am a Tottenham player and I'm trying to give my best, so I can help my team. I'm happy at the moment. You can win titles and medals with every team and I can win with Tottenham too," added Berbatov.
The 26-year old striker scored eight goals until now and is seen as one of the best goal scorers of the Premier League.
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