The Netherlands manager Marco Van Basten put an end to Mark Van Bommel's hopes to play in the Euro 2008 saying that he won't be play under his helm again.
“I will not pay any more attention to Van Bommel. That chapter is closed," Van Basten told Sportweek magazine.
The Bayern midfielder had a glimmer of hope after the recalling of Ruud Van Nistelrooy to the Dutch squad but slammed the door in his face.
"He brought this upon himself by saying things such as ‘I no longer want to train under Van Basten’ and ‘I want nothing to do with him’, added the former Netherlands legend.
The 30-year old player severely criticized the Oranje boss claiming he is favoring the young players.
"I was certainly astonished. Calling him back would not be to our mutual benefit and would do the squad no good.”
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