Atletico Madrid president Enrique Cerezo has issued a warning to Chelsea and Real Madrid to back off in Sergio Aguero chase.
"Aguero is not for sale, either to Real Madrid or to any other club," Cerezo told Marca.
Press reports have suggested earlier this week that the 19-year old Argentinean starlet is on top of the Merengues and the Blues' shop lists.
Aguero made a huge impact with Los Colchoneros since coming to Madrid in 2006. He became Atletico's new idol and made the fans forget Fernando Torres who moved to Liverpool in summer 2007.
"We have important plans for next season's Champions League campaign and he is a key element in our project," added Cerezo.
El Kun has already revealed his desire to play in the Premier League: "I've always wanted to play in England but now I am happy with Atletico."
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