BUENOS AIRES, July 25 (Xinhua) -- Argentine former soccer great Diego Maradona said that Lionel Messi "lacks of a bit more character (to) decide for himself" in the controversy with his club Barcelona from Spain, which refuses to let him go to the Beijing Olympic Games.
Maradona said that "the Catalans are very stubborn, they won't give it to you just like that."
However, he warned "Barcelona club must know that there is a country behind, that there is a gold medal in risk, that is something that if we put aside basketball and hockey we don't have many chances to get it."
Maradona told TV Fox Sports channel that Messi "needs a bit more character."
"I wish he changes his temperament, because I don't see him to go to fight for the prizes, like to tell something to a partner. I don't see him still...I hope in two or three years we have to say that Leo is the leader," Maradona said.
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