Stuttgart have parted ways with coach Armin Veh, following Saturday's 4-1 Bundesliga defeat at Wolfsburg.
"Armin Veh and Alfons Higl (assistant coach) have been relieved of their respective posts," Stuttgart chairman Erwin Staudt said on Sunday.
"It was a very difficult decision for us to make because we are very thankful to what they achieved here over the past three years."
Veh led Stuttgart to the Bundesliga title in 2007, as well as reaching the final of the German Cup in the same year.
Babbel to take over
Subsequently, Staudt announced that former Germany international Markus Babbel will be in charge of the team, with the assistance of Rainer Widmayer.
"Markus Babbel will take over the position of team boss, Rainer Widmayer will operate as trainer," said Staudt.
"We hope that together, they can guide VFB back onto the road to success."
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