Ahmed Abou-Mosallam will not take part in Ajaccio's French Ligue 2 game against Sedan after failing to recover from injury in time.
The Egyptian winger has not played for Ajaccio since making his debut in the 2-1 victory over Reims last month due to a hamstring complaint.
"The injury still hurts me. I will be rested for tonight's match against Sedan in order not to aggravate it," Abou-Mosallam told FilGoal.com on Friday.
"Doctors told me that I sustained that injury because I played a full game for Ajaccio right after my arrival while I was not playing regularly at Strasbourg."
Abou-Mosallam, who missed Ajaccio's last three games, joined the team on a six-month loan from Strasbourg.
He hopes to play on a regular basis in order to return to Egypt's squad.
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