Nasr football director Soliman Al-Qoreini said the on-field spat between club players Hossam Ghaly and Elton Jose against Hilal was no more than over-enthusiasm.
"There was no fight between Ghaly and Jose," Al-Qoreini told Saudi paper Al-Eqtisadiah.
"Whatever happened took place out of the players' strong will and desire to win the game, a situation which can happen between players at any club."
The whole incident occurred when Ghaly wasn’t happy that Jose didn’t make contact with the Egyptian's back-heeled pass.
The former Tottenham man reacted by blaming the Brazilian, who was about to attack Ghaly if it wasn’t for Nasr players' interference.
The incident is the latest in the midfielder's controversial career, after a shirt throwing incident in 2007 hampered his Tottenham career.
Ghaly made the switch to the Saudi league from the English Premiership in January for £1.6 million.
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