England and Manchester City right-back Micah Richards has been diagnosed with swine flu, which he caught while spending his summer holiday in Cyprus.
Richards was meant to join the rest of his City mates earlier in the week, but the diagnoses meant he will not be allowed to leave Cyprus for now.
"At first I thought it was a really bad chest infection, or maybe alcohol poisoning," the 21-year-old told The Sun.
"When I was told I had swine flu all sorts of things started going through my mind. You see on the news people dying of it.
"I felt so weak that I couldn't move or eat. My friends had to bring me drinks in bed," he added.
Despite his infection, Richards preferred to look at the funny side of the story.
"I'll get some stick from the lads when I do return - they will probably all turn up to training in surgical masks."
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