Manchester City's Carlos Tevez tells John Terry he would have been slaughtered in Argentina in the wake of his affair with former Chelsea mate Wayne Bridge's ex-girlfriend.
Terry, who was stripped off England captaincy as a result of the scandal, has been criticized everywhere recently, and Tevez is the last one to jump to his City teammate's defense.
"It's complicated to say something about what Terry did to Bridge," the Argentina striker was quoted by The Sun.
"I don't think you can do that with the wife of another player. It's wrong. In my opinion, Terry has no moral code for what he did to Bridge.
"In my neighborhood if you do that, you lose your legs, or more - you don't survive."
Tevez has been involved in a scuffle with Terry in last week's Premier League clash, where the former scored twice, but the City ace said it had nothing to do with the Bridge saga.
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