Ismaili are not worried by the prospect of having Nigerian striker Godwin Ndubuisi suspended for a contractual dispute with his agent.
Agent Hamada Hozayen revealed recently that Godwin has yet to pay a certain share of his contract with Ismaili after joining this summer.
The agent, who represents a Tunisian company, said that Godwin could be suspended should he fail to pay $90,000.
"If this agent managed to prove his claims, he will get the amount of money he wants," an Ismaili board member speaking on the condition of anonymity told
"He shouldn’t be threatening because it is not right. There is no way the player can be banned."
Godwin, who is now first-choice striker alongside Egypt's Ahmed Ali, has proven to be a fine recruit for the Dervishes so far as he scored a couple of winning goals against Petrojet and Heartland.
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