Video: Barcelona keeper Pinto accused of faking referee whistle
الجمعة، 22 أكتوبر 2010 - 18:13
كتب : وكالات
UEFA has charged Barcelona goalie Jose Pinto with misconduct for allegedly faking a referee whistle to trick a Copenhagen player in the Catalans 2-0 Champions League win at Camp Nou.
Copenhagen's Brazilian forward Cesar Santin went one-on-one with Pinto in Wednesday's match but stopped all of a sudden, although neither the referee nor the linesman signaled for offside.
It's believed that the Barca keeper whistled in order to fool Santin into thinking he was offside. The claim is yet to be substantiated.
French referee Stephane Lannoy didn't stop the game and Pinto were not given a yellow card.
UEFA's disciplinary panel is expected to hear the case during a meeting scheduled for next Thursday.
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