Espanyol goalkeeper Cristian Alvarez has hardly moved a muscle to deny Valladolid striker Antonio Calle from the spot in this week's Spanish Cup tie.
Calle, knowing that his team are trailing 2-0 from the first leg, decided to attempt a Panenka penalty, which turned out to be an embarrassment.
"I just want to publicly thank my teammates because they have supported me at all times during the match, at halftime and then now, so I thank them," said Calle after the game.
"And if a fan is upset because you think that was the wrong decision, I apologize."
The match ended in a 1-1 draw and Espanyol went through.
Ironically, Valladolid's goal came from a penalty by another Antonio! But this time it was a clean strike from Antonio Barragan.
Calle's Panenka attempt
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