Ismaili coach worried by unpaid wages

الأحد، 12 ديسمبر 2010 - 11:40

كتب : Omar AbdelAziz

الاسماعيلى فوتا

Ismaili boss Mark Wotte revealed his anxiety at the club’s consistent failure to pay players’ wages on time.

The Dervishes’ financial crisis forced a number of first-team members, including skipper Mohamed Hommos, to complain about unpaid wages since five months.

“Ismaili have wonderful players, young and talented. The team is achieving good results, so why don’t they get paid on time,” Wotte said in an interview with Dream TV.

“I haven’t been paid since two months and I received no winning bonus since five months. But I can take it; the important thing is the team.”

Apart from the wage setback, Ismaili have been struggling to renew the contract of star player Hosni Abd-Rabou, who refused to lower his demands on several occasions.
