Borussia Dortmund forward Mohamed Zidan missed Saturday's 1-0 Bundesliga loss at Eintracht Frankfurt because he's celebrating the birth of his first baby.
His partner Stina Rohde delivered a baby boy, Adam, on Friday. He's 50cm tall and weighs 3150 grams, according to Dortmund's official site.
The Egypt hotshot participated in Friday's training session but took no part in the league game the next day after his boss Jurgen Klopp granted him permission to stay with his family.
"Mother and baby are doing well. We are so overjoyed," Zidan told Dortmund's website. "Everyone was happy and congratulated me.
"I want to spend the first day of my child with him and my girlfriend. Adam is a real Dortmund boy. I will register him as a member of BVB in the next couple of days.
"And I hope that in a few years he will also be playing for Borussia Dortmund's youth teams."
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